Fake versus real!!
When often we struggle to make sense of why the life has been unkind to us, we come us across some people who shine like a beacon of hope giving us confidence, and helping us make believe in ourselves. They ooze confidence, they seem so sure themselves, that every time one bickers, their shining confident self gives us hope that there is something to look forward to. And the truth about these confident people is, they are faking it atleast some percent of time. I wish I had a concrete survey to suggest what percent of time but I can confidently claim 30% of time. At other times; well they are sure of themselves. So what is the difference between the confident, sure and positive people and those with less confidence and clear unsure behavior. It is this scale. The scale of real versus fake.. the act which the people put up and are able to genuinely believe in that act. It kind of forms a part of our belief system. A belief system is broadly the set of stories and st...