Fake versus real!!
And the truth about these confident people is, they are faking it atleast some percent of time. I wish I had a concrete survey to suggest what percent of time but I can confidently claim 30% of time. At other times; well they are sure of themselves. So what is the difference between the confident, sure and positive people and those with less confidence and clear unsure behavior.
It is this scale. The scale of real versus fake.. the act which the people put up and are able to genuinely believe in that act. It kind of forms a part of our belief system. A belief system is broadly the set of stories and structures that we tell ourselves to help us understand and decipher reality. However I am not really getting into that right now. What is of primary importance to me is when these belief systems accepts ones fake disposition as truth, then it seizes to be to fake after a point of time for that particular person and in reality become their true nature.
Therefore the famous aphorism, ' fake it till you make it' stands true to its words. The psychology as often has been discussed talks about developing a mindset of positivity and things take a turn for best.
So Sometimes Probably just go with the flow..
Therefore the famous aphorism, ' fake it till you make it' stands true to its words. The psychology as often has been discussed talks about developing a mindset of positivity and things take a turn for best.
So Sometimes Probably just go with the flow..
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