Fear the ultimate resource

Image result for Fear imagesMy education and experience of interacting with people and going through various ups and downs of life myself, have taught me one basic thing. People are afraid, scared and definitely happy being so. Everything to life there is, is around conquering fear. I myself have hundreds that I harbor in the name of care, peace, love, self respect, ego, anger, injustice, frustrations, etc.

I have no gyan on how to overcome it, because frankly speaking I am yet to tame mine. The thing with fear is that we love to live with it. It is our only friend which will help us be what we are. It helps us, makes us competitive, helps us to achieve the success we aim for, makes us smart, makes us ignorant,

I guess it is not any thing else but fear which is the biggest employment industry of all times. Fear future go to a fortune teller, fear past go to a counselor, fear present have cake or bear, Fear is physical, mental, emotional, financial and the best of all kinds spiritual. As a dialogue goes one of my favorite movies, OMG, "People are god fearing people and not god loving."

We are trained to fear something or the other. The thing with parenting is the premise of fear. The only way to make a child understand something is to instill a fear. A fear of right, a fear of person, THE fear of God. Generations after generations we have been instilling fears in our children.

Well, I can go on about fears and how it is used and misused from my personal experience. However I am still wanting to use any other method other than fear to raise my children. I have not been able to do that. No matter how much I try and rationalize fear for my kids to understand and see I still do not know how to help them become well themselves.


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