What after Self Awareness?

We are now Self Aware- Know about our emotions, our triggers and are more in tune with our environment. All that is good but what do we do with that information. 

Self Awareness generates a lot of information. A few days back there was a message shared in the group which enlisted a couple of cognitive distortions ranging from overgeneralization, catastrophizing, over- personalizing, etc etc.

Each of these words had an equally valid explanation to it which explained various patterns of behaviours that we as individuals resort to at different times. 

Self Awareness shows us the mirror- it tells us that we have a pattern to our behaviour. 

Some common example- 

Someone criticizes our work- Our thought process- They don't like US

Something conflicting happens at work- We start binge eating.

A tiff at the office- Children at home bear the brunt. 

No matter how unfortunate the truth is, it is always a pattern. Once we are aware we start to detach incidences with make-believe consequences. We see situations for what they are immediately regaining control of the situation. 

Self Awareness puts us back in the driver's seat and emotional strength from coping mechanism, helps us take it from there. 


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