Apna Sapna Money Money?
So while I sit there listening to the pitch and the preparation, I am also thinking to myself; is money the real value add that these youth are looking at. Not just from the perspective of value add to the client they would be servicing but also the value add to their own lives.
I have always resonated with the statement that Money is a by product. But you have to ensure that you get the service right. Rest everything is paraphernalia. However it is easy to get lost to think that well since everyone says its money and since everyone is showing me greens let me take it.
Identify early on in life what you want. Don't wait till you are 40 to regret that I wish someone had guided me to take a better career path. Can't Make up your mind , don't fret. It will come to you. And bottom line and most important, your sapna can be money as long as you are sure this is what you need to lead an enriching life. A happy life.
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