When to know that you are crossing the line- The big question
This is very interesting.. I have posted this title with no subject matter say about a month back. I have had few visitors to this page but no body really asked me as to why there is no content after the title. I got appreciations, comments and feedbacks about the blogs previously written but never a question as to why this particular heading was only what was it was - a heading.
Quite Honestly it wasnt meant to be like that, it was only by mistake that I posted it and then let it stay. Call it my lethargy. But that is what brings me back to the title. Why did no body question me on why this blog was not complete. There could be hundreds of explanation varying from somebody would have thought it to be a mistake too simple to point out to the fact that may be somebody else would have made an assumption that I can afford to be that careless as its a personal communication or may be somebody would have felt, it i how I had planned it to be or may be someone was afraid pointing a mistake out would offend me.
And may be all these explanations in there own true self are genuine as my explanation as author of this blog (calling myself author feels good) had components of almost all of above. So why am I completing it now, again a well thought out process. Initially I was thankful that nobody had pointed out about the gap. But then when I saw some of my friends were taking the effort to read it (and god bless them for that) I got curious. I got curious because I wanted to know if someone will point it out. The point that I am trying to make here is that sometimes, when the mistake is so obvious we tend to overlook it. We might have our reasons for it but still we do. and that brings me to the relevance of the title 'When do we know we are crossing the line'.
Was one of the obvious explanation to not pointing out my mistake or overlook was may be one of my reader friend thought, she is a smart she knows what she is doing (hopefully) or this kind of careless attitude should not be shown in public postings (hope not) etc or may be something else. What ever the case the reader stopped themselves from crossing the line. The line which enables them not just to communicate but also to think further in that direction. And this is an exact phenomena which we kind of project in everyday life as well.
Most of the time we despite our interest don't stop and ask. Why should we, it doesn't really bother us? Why create a hassle for ourselves or others. But then that is what creates a problem. We don't live different lives. We are same people at home, at work place, at social gatherings and as a part of community as a whole. And I don't blame any of us for not making an effort. We have so many things already on our agenda that crossing the line would me adding some more, and why should I do that. Where is the time? and point completely taken. There is no time. But I don't often show a problem without a solution.
My explanation to this phenomena can also be answered by a very simple definition of the word LINE. A line is what makes me confront my discomfort. For example take an office situation where I find a person leaving his fans or lights on even when they are not around, despite requests from administration. As I see it we have four options to this very simple situation- I ignore it, I switch of the lights, I inform the administration department so they do it and /or I talk to the person on changing his habits. These things can be done as combinations or standalone. But what ever the case may be, I am making a choice. If I am uncomfortable with the fact that a person in my office is not adhering to the basic office norms, I can't ignore it. I will do something about it. When I do something about it, I cross the LINE. And that is what is expected. This is a very obvious situation and a cliche too. But we have hundreds or thousands such situation happening almost on an every day basis. Things that make us pause but then move on.
My simple advice is when at any juncture we "pause" just ensure that there is everything that is doable from your side is done and move on. Sometimes one single gesture can make a difference. If at end of every uncomfortable pause there is a satisfaction, that you did the right thing, your job is done.
But hey does this throw the TIME MANAGEMENT TRAININGS MODULES out of window. ;) May Be but may be not. Let me keep something for the next blog....
Quite Honestly it wasnt meant to be like that, it was only by mistake that I posted it and then let it stay. Call it my lethargy. But that is what brings me back to the title. Why did no body question me on why this blog was not complete. There could be hundreds of explanation varying from somebody would have thought it to be a mistake too simple to point out to the fact that may be somebody else would have made an assumption that I can afford to be that careless as its a personal communication or may be somebody would have felt, it i how I had planned it to be or may be someone was afraid pointing a mistake out would offend me.
And may be all these explanations in there own true self are genuine as my explanation as author of this blog (calling myself author feels good) had components of almost all of above. So why am I completing it now, again a well thought out process. Initially I was thankful that nobody had pointed out about the gap. But then when I saw some of my friends were taking the effort to read it (and god bless them for that) I got curious. I got curious because I wanted to know if someone will point it out. The point that I am trying to make here is that sometimes, when the mistake is so obvious we tend to overlook it. We might have our reasons for it but still we do. and that brings me to the relevance of the title 'When do we know we are crossing the line'.
Was one of the obvious explanation to not pointing out my mistake or overlook was may be one of my reader friend thought, she is a smart she knows what she is doing (hopefully) or this kind of careless attitude should not be shown in public postings (hope not) etc or may be something else. What ever the case the reader stopped themselves from crossing the line. The line which enables them not just to communicate but also to think further in that direction. And this is an exact phenomena which we kind of project in everyday life as well.
Most of the time we despite our interest don't stop and ask. Why should we, it doesn't really bother us? Why create a hassle for ourselves or others. But then that is what creates a problem. We don't live different lives. We are same people at home, at work place, at social gatherings and as a part of community as a whole. And I don't blame any of us for not making an effort. We have so many things already on our agenda that crossing the line would me adding some more, and why should I do that. Where is the time? and point completely taken. There is no time. But I don't often show a problem without a solution.
My explanation to this phenomena can also be answered by a very simple definition of the word LINE. A line is what makes me confront my discomfort. For example take an office situation where I find a person leaving his fans or lights on even when they are not around, despite requests from administration. As I see it we have four options to this very simple situation- I ignore it, I switch of the lights, I inform the administration department so they do it and /or I talk to the person on changing his habits. These things can be done as combinations or standalone. But what ever the case may be, I am making a choice. If I am uncomfortable with the fact that a person in my office is not adhering to the basic office norms, I can't ignore it. I will do something about it. When I do something about it, I cross the LINE. And that is what is expected. This is a very obvious situation and a cliche too. But we have hundreds or thousands such situation happening almost on an every day basis. Things that make us pause but then move on.
My simple advice is when at any juncture we "pause" just ensure that there is everything that is doable from your side is done and move on. Sometimes one single gesture can make a difference. If at end of every uncomfortable pause there is a satisfaction, that you did the right thing, your job is done.
But hey does this throw the TIME MANAGEMENT TRAININGS MODULES out of window. ;) May Be but may be not. Let me keep something for the next blog....
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