Emotional Resilience - What does it mean now?

Emotional Resilience is a big word, but if we were to simplify it would come down to simply developing skills that help us master our emotions better. In times of uncertainty, it will not leave us second-guessing ourselves or our way of life. There are a lot of people navigating through this time in their own way, some are reaching out to others and others are just ensuring that survival is managed. There are some others who continue to live with their heads buried in the sand. Each of these people has a lot at stake, their personal well being, their families, their lifestyle and their environment as they know it and they react as they know best. However, how our reactions are has a lot to do with how we manage our environment. More often than not the two converge at a point. That point though is different for different people. For some external management takes precedence over internal management. Mental Health Advocate and Psychiatrist, Dr Ruhi Satija, in...