Change Your Day!!
So Here is the deal. I normally used to wake up tired and grumpy and exhausted. Well, there were days when I woke up exhilarated and excited and happy . But mostly I was grumpy or was it excited? Actually, the fact was, I did not really remember. I did not have control over how I woke up. Then one day I heard the following, "In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction," - Job 33:15-16 Dr Wayne Dyer, in his talk went on to explain that the subconscious mind is most comfortable when you are unconscious. He went on to explain that when you at the end of the day, just before you sleep, if you think about how you want your next day to be, then your subconscious will take that instructions in your unconscious state and ensure that it materializes. So I thought to myself, that cannot be true. Is it that simple. So all I have to do is devote last fiv...