How to receive a feedback!!
Openness to learning is the most common word I used in my context. It meant according to my understanding that when people offer me a feedback, I accept it, infact my magnanimity was that I did not just accept it but took onus to offer it. However very recently I learned two important lessons; No one likes a "Know it all"- When anyone is giving a feedback, the last think they want to hear is, the feedback is accepted as it is or may be an argument. Ok may be that did not come out right. So the point is LISTEN. Listen to the feedback. And, take time to INTERNALIZE it. No matter whether you agree or disagree, as one my line manager ofter said; sleep over it. Do not react. Do not accept. Do not reject. Just take time to think over it. PREPARE- I once got very emotional. Never Helps. Especially when you have a line manager who is relatively new. They do not relate to the ups and downs of the tenure. So only facts help. ACTION PLAN- Based on the feed...