Trading currency: Money or Time
The other day, I was reading a message on my mobile which went like “… 20 years back, a man would walk 20 minutes to save Rs. 20/-. Today, a man spends Rs. 20/- to save 20 minutes…”. At first glance nothing seemed unusual about this but then the profoundness of the message dawned over. The pace of life and the things which counted highly then, have changed. Were we looking at a new currency of trading? Were we beginning to finally act in spirit of the famous phrase “Time is Money”? As I pondered over this message and analysed my life in this context, I realized I was anyways acting in the spirit of this famous phrase. So what really has shaped our behavior? I think it’s a multiplicity of factors. The multiplicity of choices before us. A toothpaste meant Colgate, detergent meant Surf, cooking oil meant Dalda… for those of us who have been witness to such an era will vastly appreciate the plethora of choices we have now. A toothpaste has moved from just ...