Moving into an Unknown territory
As the name of my post suggests that this is all about Moving into an unknown territory, challenging yourself. Recently I took on an assignment which though has a certain level of familiarity but requires me very often to revisit my thinking, my challenges and my age old beliefs. I have often found myself questioning myself. and recently I attended an event which shook my confidence completely. On the way back I kept thinking how to get my confidence back, what should I do to make myself more confident and less vulnerable. It had taken a lot of encouragement from lot of corners to help me over come my fears. But I also realised after a point of time you are on your own. No one has the time and/or energy to act as a sounding board. Everyone is fighting their own battles so looking outside for encouragement is an expectation which is bound to fail. Its just that I need to take life in my own hands. Come back every time I think I am thrown off course. Plus I also have this...