
Showing posts from September, 2013

Culture eats Strategy for Breakfast....

I love this quote by Peter Drucker and as a strategy graduate and HR Practioner I haven't found a statement so true and yet so ironical. Amidst the heated debate for strategy I am well aware that if the environment of an organization does not give it the due space to implement; strategy dies a very painful death. So what are the cues that allow us to identify the possibility during its planning stages 1. Strategy is not driven by the top- What does it mean; This categorically means that despite the conviction or the thought of conviction at all levels in the organization; there is no one person driving it. It is a collective responsibility and yet nobody is accountable. Please do not confuse my statement as against team spirit but I genuinely believe leadership has to be a one person agenda. 2. Cynicism- Now it is simply impossible to get rid of cynics or answer all or even pacify all doubts during the planning sessions. To quote Alan Lakein," Planning means to bring th...