
Showing posts from June, 2013

Corporate vs. SME – is it in mind or something more to it

Many of us, in our lifetimes, have faced dilemmas whose resolution has the potential of changing the course of our lives - one where we are at crossroads and task of picking the best amongst the alternatives in front of us has not been easy. I am no stranger to this, having faced dilemma on a couple of occasions and the task of making the pick from amongst the alternatives has not been easy. Some typical examples are college vs. course; to marry or not and if yes, with whom; business or service (job) etc… People are today taking decisions and picking alternatives which by conventional wisdom would qualify for outright rejection. Some typical examples are joining a startup vs. a well established company; picking an alternative career path rather than a well defined time tested path etc… So is the thought process changing? Are people giving weightage to substance and not just the quantity? I recently took one such decision when I made a career switch from a well known and re...